Workshop on Employment Injury Insurance for Journalists

Conducted by : International Training Centre, ILO (ITC-ILO)
Date : 23 – 25 February 2021

Objectives : The general objective of the training is the strengthening of the motivation and the capacity of the media personnel to promote an agenda for the adoption of an EII in Bangladesh.

Specific objectives : At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • describe the functioning of the national system for the compensation of injured and sick workers and identify its shortcomings.
  • explain the alternative experiences of compensation of injured and sick workers in Bangladesh and the proposed trial on EII in the ready-made garment (RMG) sector.
  • justify the advantages of the EII model over the current employers’ liability model.
  • describe international standards, experiences and national good practices in the administration and the provision of quality services (medical care, rehabilitation and prevention) of EII models.
  • establish conclusions and recommendations on the feasibility of applying the models and experiences discussed in the national context of Bangladesh.

Audience: The training targeted 19 journalists from different media outlets in Bangladesh. The journalists are selected based on their interests and professional involvement in the advancement of social protection issues, and their commitment to promote the introduction of an EII in Bangladesh.

Methodology: (ONLINE LESSONS IN THE CLASSROOM) – The online classroom lessons were delivered in Zoom by pre-recorded presentations in presence of the resource personnel. Each session followed by questions, comments and sharing experience of the participants. Afterwards, facilitators stimulated the dialogue and interactive discussions took place during the last part of the session in order to enable a better comprehension of the various topics.

Duration & Venue: 3 Days, Hotel Six Seasons, Dhaka

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