Training of Trainers on Employment Injury Insurance in Bangladesh

Conducted by : International Training Centre, ILO (ITC-ILO)
Date : 7 – 11 March 2021 (first batch) & 27 June – 1 July 2021 (second batch)

Objectives : The general objective of the training is to enhance the competences of participants to design and deliver training courses and sessions to promote an agenda for the adoption of an EII in Bangladesh.

Specific objectives : At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • describe the functioning of the national system for the compensation of injured and sick workers and identify its shortcomings.
  • explain the alternative experiences of compensation of injured and sick workers in Bangladesh and the proposed trial on EII in the ready-made garment (RMG) sector.
  • describe international standards, experiences and selected national good practices in EII models.
  • design and evaluating training activities using participant-centered, learning and participatory approaches.
  • plan and deliver training sessions presenting the advantages of an EII model over the current employers’ liability model

Among the expected outputs of the workshop, there is the generation of repository of arguments by the participants for promoting EII and audiovisual resources (videos or podcasts) on testimonials of injured and sick workers or compensation systems operators.

Audience: The training is targeting 50 master trainers from Bangladesh in 02 batches. The master trainers are selected based on their previous activity and involvement on health and social protection issues among workers and federation leaders, and their commitment to promote the introduction of an EII.

Methodology: 1st Part (ONLINE LEARNING) – Participants were given access to the e-learning platform before the training to study selected online modules and resources. The purpose is to introduce the main concepts of the EII and the present situation of the workers’ compensation system in Bangladesh. Participants were instructed to prepare an assignment connected with the delivery of a microteaching session in the 2nd part of the course.

2nd Part (ONLINE LESSONS IN THE CLASSROOM) – The training took place in a classroom in Dhaka (Hotel Six Seasons Ltd.). The pre-recorded presentations in presence of the resource personnel, were delivered through Zoom by international experts (including simultaneous live interpretation) and by local experts. Questions and comments of participants through chats or direct questioning were followed and resource persons replied and interacted with participants. Facilitators were stimulating the dialogue and interactive discussions took place which led to a better comprehension of the various topics. Participants actively participated in working group exercises as well.

Duration & Venue: 5 Days, Hotel Six Seasons, Dhaka

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